Master Notebook ToolsΒΆ

Most UC Berkeley autograders include tools to abstract away the generation of test files by allowing users to define the tests along with questions and solutions in a simple notebook format. Tools like this include jAssign for OkPy and Otter Assign for Otter-Grader.

Most of these tools rely on the output of comment-delimited code cells to generate the doctest- formatted test cases used in test files and parse these notebooks out into two versions: a directory containing the notebook with solutions and hidden tests, and a directory with the notebook stripped of solutions and only public tests.

In general, it is highly recommended that you use one of these tools as they ensure the gradeability of assignments and make the process of creating and distributing assignments much easier. Otter Assign also integrates nicely with its other tools and makes the process of using Otter with 3rd part services much easier.